
发布时间:2020-06-05 17:21来源:字号:    


  成立于2015年,是北京演艺集团艺术教育培训和公共文化服务板块,由北京演艺集团控股,依托集团旗下包括9家院团在内的20余家企事业单位优势资源,致力于打造具有国有信誉、国内一流的公共文化服务和艺术教育专业平台。公司为街道社区、社会团体及企事业单位量身打造文化服务产品,包括运营和管理公共文化设施,组建、培训文化团体,组织承办文艺演出公益文体活动等,打造了京演公共文化服务品牌。同时,公司致力于专业少儿培训,开设有舞蹈、主持表演、美术、声乐、器乐等课程,形成“6 1”特色教学体系,打造了国有艺术品牌。

  founded in 2015, beijing bpa culture & arts development co. ltd. is a holding company of beijing performance & arts group. sharing the excellent resources of over 20 enterprises and institutions (including 9 art troupes) of bpa, the company is targeted to become a nationwide first-class professional platform of public cultural service and art education. the company has built up its brand of bpa public cultural service by providing service to local communities, social organizations, enterprises and institutions as well as organizing performances and non-profit cultural activities, establishing and training cultural organizations. the company is also dedicated to youth training, offering lessons on dance, emcee, performance, fine arts, vocal music and instrumental music. its 6 1 teaching system has become a nationwide art brand.
